Frequently Asked Questions
What is RigNet CrewConnect Wifi?
How do I obtain access to the CrewConnect Wifi network?
How do I create an account for CrewConnect Wifi?
Who is my Rig Administrator?
How long does it take to get my access approved?
What do I do if I forget my password?
Am I able to have multiple devices logged in at the same time?
Why is my connection slow sometimes?
How do I logout of the CrewConnect Wifi network?
I am unable to log in with my credentials and my account was previously approved.
Why do I sometimes receive an SSL certificate error when connecting?
I’m still having issues. Who can I contact to get further assistance?
What is RigNet CrewConnect Wifi?
RigNet CrewConnect Wifi is a managed service that requires users to sign up and gain approved access to the network. This helps eliminate any unauthorized users from accessing the network and helps moderate network activity.
How do I obtain access to the CrewConnect Wifi network?
To obtain access to the CrewConnect Wifi network, you must go through the account creation process. First, connect to the dedicated CrewConnect Wifi network on board the rig and open any browser. Create your account through the RigNet CrewConnect Wifi landing page and wait to obtain approval from your Rig Admin. If you have already completed this process and received approved access, log in to the system using your account credentials.
How do I create an account for CrewConnect Wifi?
Open a web browser and get to the CrewConnect Wifi landing page. Click on the “Sign Up” button. You will need to complete all if the information listed on the signup page. Once completed your request will be sent to the Rig Administrator for approval.
Who is my Rig Administrator?
Your Rig Administrator is the local person at your site location responsible for approving all requests for access to the CrewConnect Wifi network. Typically this person will be the Rig Manager or OIM on the rig, but may be different depending on your rig requirements so please check with your Electrician.
How long does it take to get my access approved?
It is up to your Rig Administrator to approve/deny user requests. When you sign up for an account, a confirmation email will be sent to you and a request for access to the Rig Admin. The Rig Admin will decide when and how to approve your account. Please contact your Rig Admin for account related issues.
What do I do if I forget my password?
Please use the “Forget Password” link located within the help page. You will need to remember the answer to your secret question during enrollment to reset your password. If you do not remember the answer to your secret question, you will need to reregister and follow through the approval process.
Am I able to have multiple devices logged in at the same time?
It depends on the settings designated by your Rig Admin. You may be limited to a certain number of devices per account. Always remember to log your session out when not in use so that you will not be impacted.
Why is my connection slow sometimes?
There are many factors that contribute to a slower connection. Other than the proper configuration of your device and your proximity to the wireless access point, there is also a contention factor within a shared network over the satellite link. The service is provisioned with a service level for typical web surfing based on the average number of people on line. During peak usage periods, more than the average number of people contending the network will slow your connection. As a result, your service administrator may impose usage policy so all users can have equal access to the limited bandwidth. Applications with high bandwidth consumption including large file downloads and video streaming will also be curtailed. Turning off automatic updates and other background apps that are not needed on your device will not only save your data usage of the plan, but also enhance the overall experience of the service.
How do I logout of the CrewConnect Wifi network?
After you have logged in, a separate screen will pop up that includes the logout link. Please bookmark this page for later use to logout or simply leave the screen open. You can also find the Logout URL link within the Help page.
I am unable to log in with my credentials and my account was previously approved.
Check with your Rig Admin to verify that your account has not been suspended. A suspended or denied account will not be able to obtain access to the CrewConnect Wifi network.
Why do I sometimes receive an SSL certificate error when connecting?
When connecting, your device is redirected to the login page. If the first website you attempt to visit is an encrypted connection, HTTPS, then redirection causes an error since the encrypted connection has been redirected. Try visiting a standard HTTP page and the error will not occur. This is not a security vulnerability, but just a normal error in the redirection of an encrypted connection.
I’m still having issues. Who can I contact to get further assistance?
You may contact the RigNet Customer Service center via phone or email.
i. By Phone: 1.888.974.4638, 1.800.375.1562, or 1.800.456.6826
ii. By Email: