Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is RigNet CrewConnect Hotspot?
  2. What is a Wi-Fi hotspot or Wi-Fi network?
  3. What do I need to use this service?
  4. What should I do if I don't have a username and password?
  5. Are all my credit card transactions secure?
  6. How long can I use this service after I login?
  7. What should I do to stop my session?
  8. I don't see a logout window. How do I get it?
  9. How can I renew/recharge my services?
  10. Will I receive an invoice when I sign up for the service?
  11. How can I change my password?
  12. What should I do if I forget my password?
  13. Can I access my corporate LAN from this connection?
  14. Is Wi-Fi secure?
  15. What sites are blocked at your hotspot?
  16. Why is my connection slow sometimes?
  17. Why can’t my device stay on your Hotspot service?
  18. Why do I sometimes receive an SSL certificate error when connecting?
  19. What should I do if I have problems getting online?
  20. Whom should I contact if I have billing questions?
  21. I am unable to log in with my credentials and my account was previously approved.

  1. What is RigNet CrewConnect Hotspot?

  2. RigNet CrewConnect Hotspot is the pay-as-you-go version of the CrewConnect WiFi service. It is a managed by RigNet and it requires users to sign up with a credit card or PayPal to gain access to the network. Various usage packages are provided depending on your location.

  3. What is a WiFi hotspot or WiFi network?

  4. A wireless hotspot is a network of computers that replaces wires and cables with radio frequency (RF) connections. The coverage area of the hotspot depends on various factors - building structure, vegetation, electronic and environmental interference and network design. Wireless networks provide the freedom to access the Internet, E-mail, or instant messaging services anywhere within this area.

  5. What do I need to use this service?

  6. You need an Internet enabled laptop or mobile device with a WiFi compatible wireless adapter for using the service. You can select “CrewConnect Hotspot” on your device’s WiFi connections list (aka the SSID). Please note that you need to sign up for an account using your credit card or activate with a voucher.

  7. What should I do if I don't have a username and password?

  8. If you don’t have a username and password, you need to sign up for our service. Please have your credit card or PayPal account ready to create an account online. To create your account, click on the signup button and follow the on-screen steps to register for a new account.

  9. Are all my credit card transactions secure?

  10. Yes, all your credit card transactions are secure and safe. We use leading Internet security standards like SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and encryption for all your credit card transactions over the Internet.

  11. How long can I use this service after I login?

  12. It depends on the service plan you choose when you create your account. Service plans available to you are displayed on the service selection screen. If you choose a time-based plan, your online time is counted from the time you login to the time you logout. For fixed-data plans, your plan duration will be based on the rate of your data consumption. You may renew your service as often as you would like. Please be aware that all service plans have an expiration date from the first day of use. Unless otherwise stated, service plans expire in 120 days. No credits will be given for the unused portion of the service plan.

  13. What should I do to stop my session?

  14. You need to logout to stop your session. Logout is also needed to notify our server to stop counting your online time in a time-based plan. Our server is configured to automatically log you off after certain period of inactivity however you may also lose your online time in the process. So we advise you to explicitly logoff after you have finished using the Internet. For fixed-data plans, we recommend that you turn off the automatic update feature of infrequently used apps. These apps may consume your allocated data in the background without you noticing.

  15. I don't see a logout window. How do I get it?

  16. The logout window appears as a popup window. Please disable the popup blocker in your browser. Also, please make sure that you don't close the popup window. If you do, please create a bookmark of the logout link for easy access.

  17. How can I renew/recharge my Internet service?

  18. To recharge or renew your service, please click on the renew link. Please remember to use up all your existing time before renewing your service. You retain the same username and password after you have renewed your account. For fixed-data packages, your newly subscribed data will be added on to any remaining data of your current plan.

  19. Will I receive an invoice when I sign up for the service?

  20. Yes, we send an invoice to the email address you enter while creating your account. Please enter a valid email address to receive the invoice and other important updates about your account.

  21. How can I change my password?

  22. You can change your password from the 'Account Mgmt' section. You need to enter correct username and password to login into Account management section. Please click on Change Password link to change your existing password.

  23. What should I do if I forget my password?

  24. You can reset your old password using the reset password procedure. You need to remember the answer to your secret question to reset your password. Click on the reset password link on the login page to initiate the reset password procedure. Alternatively, you can call the customer service number to reset your password.

  25. Can I access my corporate LAN from this connection?

  26. It depends on whether your corporate allows you to access the LAN from outside. Generally, most company setup VPN access to the corporate LAN. Our WiFi network supports most VPN clients. If you experience problems connecting using your VPN client, please call your IT staff for correct details or our customer service number for technical assistance.

  27. Is WiFi secure?

  28. Our service utilizes OpenDNS cloud-based security protocol to limit the spread and risk of security affecting performance through URL filtering. However, no network is 100% secure. It is important that you protect your data while transmitting it over the Internet. If you need to send sensitive information, then we recommend using VPN or SSL for sending and transmitting data.

  29. What sites are blocked at your hotspot?

  30. Our service automatically blocks known malicious websites with malware and viruses. Depending on local government requirements, we also comply with regional censorship laws to block specific websites or content as required.

  31. Why is my connection slow sometimes?

  32. There are many factors that contribute to a slower connection. Other than the proper configuration of your device and your proximity to the wireless access point, there is also a contention factor within a shared network over the satellite link. The Hotspot service is provisioned with a service level for typical web surfing based on the average number of people on line. During peak usage periods, more than the average number of people contending the network will slow your connection. As a result, a fair usage policy is enforced so all concurrent users can have equal access to the limited bandwidth. Applications with high bandwidth consumption including large file downloads and video streaming will experience slow down when this happen. Turning off automatic updates and other background apps that are not needed on your device while you are offshore will not only save your data usage of the plan, but also enhance the overall experience of the service.

  33. Why can’t my device stay on your Hotspot service?

  34. Most mobile devices have a feature to allow auto switch between Wi-Fi and mobile networks. If you are on a site where multiple Wi-Fi services are available, it may detect stronger signals from another Wi-Fi network and switch your device automatically. This creates confusion as the other Wi-Fi service likely has a completely different service feature set. To avoid this from happening, you can turn off the auto switch feature on your device under the Advanced Wi-Fi Setting menu.

  35. Why do I sometimes receive an SSL certificate error when connecting?

  36. When connecting, your device is redirected to the login page. If the first website you attempt to visit is an encrypted connection, HTTPS, then redirection causes an error since the encrypted connection has been redirected. Try visiting a standard HTTP page and the error will not occur. This is not a security vulnerability, but just a normal error in the redirection of an encrypted connection.

  37. What should I do if I have problems getting online?

  38. Please click on the report problem link or call our 24-hour toll free number 1.888.974.4638, 1.800.375.1562, or 1.800.456.6826 for getting immediate assistance.

  39. Whom should I contact if I have billing questions?

  40. Please send us an email at or call our 24-hour customer service number (1.888.974.4638, 1.800.375.1562, or 1.800.456.6826) for resolving your billing issues. Please note that you can use the Account Management section to make necessary changes to your billing data or to view your billing history.

  41. I’m still having issues. Who can I contact to get further assistance?

  42. You may contact the RigNet Customer Service center via phone or email.
    i. By Phone: 1.888.974.4638, 1.800.375.1562, or 1.800.456.6826
    ii. By Email: